Saturday, March 11, 2006


owww..yeah..long time no post...anyway...hmmmm..yeah..what happend??..i don't know.. :P haha... :D i'll just start with wednesday..... :D

March 8, 2006-club without the seniors.
oww we had our was also fun. :D the seniors were not there because of their final tests..we had some drills..and oh yeah...the last drill was fun.. :D anlakas nung chamba namin!.. :P Starr nice oen!.. :D

March 10, 2006-friday again. CL..we talked about our number one was death...yeahh,..i'm afraid to die...and i'm really not yet ready...what would happen to me if I die already?..where would I go?...would i still be able to see them? i still existing?....and if reencarnation is true..would i be still thinking like that on my next life??...i'm still not ready...i'll miss everyone..if that happens.. :(

March 11,2006-TODAY
hmmmmmmwe had our practice in pub. speaking in irenne's house.. :D and fun was there.. :D vanity was also there.. :P the pix our here.

hmmmm...i'm bored.. : i miss........

it's not true that nobody cares for me....

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