Wednesday, August 31, 2005

bye2 for today...

so...that's all...i'll be leaving for now....bye2....i'm outta' her'....: ) today...

today....hmm..i thought today would be a bad day...but i was wrong....when i was still in our house at aroun 5:30-5:50 am....i suddenly realized that i wasn't able to print my homework for computer...and i was...haii akong assignment..for the reason..that...we still don't have our printer yet here in our house..and that i forgot to send it my mom so she could print it...grr.....
in our bus this morning..ang sadista ko..haha...i brought some cd's...and the songs i played were alternative rock...i was laughing(quietly...) when i got out of the bus..i's still early in the morning..and maybe my busmates are still very sleepy..maybe i woke them up already..hehe..: )
when i went in the usual..the first person i saw was gilleane the early bird..hehe..: )....then i said that i don't have my hw in computer..then she said she has..but...when she looked at the clear was already not there...then she searched all over her bag...and it was out of she just drew in case ms.sabordo would accept it..then..when she already finished it....she looked at the clear book again..she found the printed one!! was behind another paper..: )..hehe..: )
in swimming..we practiced the back float and the back float with flutter kick..: ) first i din't get it...but then..i got it a bit already..hehe..: )..just a bit....hehe..: )
in was our turn already to be the "managers"..hehe..: )...but first..the ones for the SEAP..continued theirs....and then..i was asked by ms. announced that she's coming already...las time..she asked me to say...*knock3*dumating na ang hari!!..then..this was funnier..hehe..: ) was like this...*knock3 hard*padating na ang bruha na reyna!!..and my classmates were laughing..hehe..: )..when it was our said that we our the kastila..and we were really in favor of ourselves..hehe.. : )...almost all said that our side was sadista..haha..: ) were just given a B..hehe..: )...
in our pinoi..mrs.acasio was not around..and i don't know why...we copied a very magulo na ddn't finish it....then we didn't know that it was already was alread 12 noon....mrs. abreu was also out of sight..
in our still gave a chance to those who haven't passed their assignments...but there's a's okey..i'll just pass next least i would not get a zero...: ) and angela's band..the cleaners..performed again..the pinirata version of day you said goodnight and bulong..which was also pirated..: )..and the computer room was bouncing..hehe.. ; )
in englsh..we re-wrote our formal themes.....and surprisingly..i got 93..hehe..: )
during club..we only played the usual game..hehe..: )
btw..there's a meetin tomorrow for the varsity thingy..i think....there was a letter given....i hope i'll not forget to let my mom sign it..hehe.. ; )

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

final goodbye...

owkie..i'm finished.....finally..bye..: )

meybe bye2....

owwww...i guess a few minutes from now..i'll be leaving already...the assignment in our club came into my mind.....and i'll still finish the record...owks?....: )
bye for now..: )
i'm ouuta her'...: )


now....i'm currently completing the records for's like...d*amn..where can i get my other scores?....where the heck did they go?......:0,...
anyway....the Linngo ng Wika was just a bit fine...just a bit.....for the whole program..i was really very sleepy....asi in....except for the funny parts like when yna was having that fight thingy and when joy laughing!!..hehe..: )..anyway....i'm so bad...i rated it 2..haha..with one as the lowest and five as the hightest.....: )..i'm really bad..hehe...: )
hehe..tomorrow's the club and swimming..: )....and somebody announced in the pipe-in this afternoon..some things about the WBL open try-outs..: )..owww...i was aking my cousin to try....and i said...i'll convince her until on thursday..: )..i don't know if i'll tr too....but i think maybe i'll try....: ).....if i wouldn't efforts for my grades and the try-outs would be nothing...: (...soo..i don't know..i'll still htink about it...: )
CONSCIENCE: hey...d*mn....don't hink about it anymore....or your efforts would be at lost...: ) conscience is also correct..haha..: ) least..the Linggo ng Wika is finally over.....but still.....there's still Science Week and Feast Day..grr....LOLZ..hehe..: )
i saw JM this lunch..hehe..: )..guess who's JM..i'll not give a clue..hehe..: )
i was searching for the defenition of morpoponemiko..errr....i couldn't find it.....badtrip...:o....


Image hosted by Photobucket.comwell..i just found this somewhere.....just want to show it..hehe..: )

so many things to do and my day..: )

owkie....i really have been doing many things awhile the same time..imagine that..: )...i was researching for the pinoi topics..the science assignment..and fixing my record of SW, HW and Quizzes for Science....starting my Home Reading Report II....and prepare for swimming and club tomorrow..i don't even know which should i do first?..: ) least..i have finished some of them already..i'm resting for now and would be back to work later..: )
haha..i'm making my neopet..just for fun..: )..hehe..i named it jM..haha..: )...actually..jM with 7 zeroes and thirteen...: )heh..: )
brb...: )


This is a test post from

Monday, August 29, 2005


owkie....i think i'm outte' her'...for now....

bye..: )

boring day......and yesterday...

owkie....this is my second post..anyway..this day has been so very boring.....puno rin ng in.. :(.....hehe..di pa nga ko nagsusuklay eh......haha..: )

my mom went somewhere with my aunts....: ) dad is in his work right now..he's really responsible and hardworking..i'm really proud of him...imagine...he works for 12-14 hours a day??...i htink..: )

i've decided to create a new blog because i'm still not contented with my blog there in blogdrive....: )....anyway...i think that blogspot is better...: )

ang aking mga kamalasan..

1. no internet card for a day that's no classes...
2. uupo na ngalang..matutusok pa ng charger sa tuhod...mei sugat tuloy...
3. no enough load...
4. no good tv shows for today...
5. a very boring day...
6. no classes...

so that was my change..jowk....hehe...thsi afternoon....earlier...we were supposed to leave and go to gloria IV..but....i insisted to my mom that i have nothing ot do there and it's better for me to stay here at home....then..i asked her to but net card for me...yey!!..i already have....hehe..: )..actually....the net card i'm using now is not's theo ne owned by my bro discovered that it's still edible to use..: ) mom said to my siblings that they're not leaving with us anymore because there's already classes tomorrow...they didn't know that it was because i insisted staying home..hehe..: )..and now..they're in the playground or basketball court of our subdi....playing basketball...i didn't want to come with them..that's why i'm here right now typing this entry...and i also fixed this blog..: )

yesterday..i didn't have internet i made a music video....i didn't have video i used some pix in my account here in the PC....and i used the song GEMINI..and this mrning..i also saw the *real* music videos of Stay and Gemini..hehe....i also saw the vido of Sorry from Cueshe...: )

yesterday..we were ing gateway..i was supposed to buy the album of was out of stock....i also broke the string of the fender electric guitar of my cousin...accidentally....luckily..he wasn't mad at me...he said that...maybe it's also good that one string was broke because it's also been a long time since the strings of his guitar was changed..: )

oh yah...and i don't know what to do with i have been looking at others' profiles and mine......102 times viwed..owww...who would have an interest to look at my profile which is mreall super nonsense?....:p

owwww..yah..these are the URLs of my other blogs....


Sunday, August 28, 2005

first post...: )

owkie...this is my first post..i'lll also try blogspot.....i's still not contented with my blogdrive..hehe..: )