Tuesday, August 30, 2005


now....i'm currently completing the records for science..it's like...d*amn..where can i get my other scores?....where the heck did they go?......:0,...
anyway....the Linngo ng Wika was just a bit fine...just a bit.....for the whole program..i was really very sleepy....asi in....except for the funny parts like when yna was having that fight thingy and when joy laughing!!..hehe..: )..anyway....i'm so bad...i rated it 2..haha..with one as the lowest and five as the hightest.....: )..i'm really bad..hehe...: )
hehe..tomorrow's the club and swimming..: )....and somebody announced in the pipe-in this afternoon..some things about the WBL open try-outs..: )..owww...i was aking my cousin to try....and i said...i'll convince her until on thursday..: )..i don't know if i'll tr too....but i think maybe i'll try....: ).....if i wouldn't try..my efforts for my grades and the try-outs would be nothing...: (...soo..i don't know..i'll still htink about it...: )
CONSCIENCE: hey...d*mn....don't hink about it anymore....or your efforts would be at lost...: )
yah..my conscience is also correct..haha..: )..at least..the Linggo ng Wika is finally over.....but still.....there's still Science Week and Feast Day..grr....LOLZ..hehe..: )
i saw JM this lunch..hehe..: )..guess who's JM..i'll not give a clue..hehe..: )
i was searching for the defenition of morpoponemiko..errr....i couldn't find it.....badtrip...:o....

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