Saturday, February 25, 2006

bored. :|

yeah..i'm bored..that's why i'm back. hmmmm..yeah...i'll just speak about that cuop thing. hmmmm..yeah....what's the point of this State of Emergency hting?I mean...they were just celebratign the EDSA 1..and..poofff...Randy David and the others were caught..then...they released him..because her wife was a cabinet member...according to my's Karina David..hmmm..yeah..chronism?..anyway..yeah....State of Emergency?...tsk..i just hope that we would be able to get to La Salle safe..hmmmm...i don't know...i'm really bored... :( hmmmmm..i wan to eat.. :P soo...yeah..i've been blog hopping...and some blogs...of course...but then..i'm really bored..tsk....

nobody cares.....

GALS!!.. :D

starr!!..kinakabahan talaga ko..kala kakausapin mo siya... :P anyway..hmmm..yeah..long time,no post.. :P anyway....hmmmmm...recap?flashback?....time machine!!... :P

February 21, 2006-Take-Over and Scrimmage Day.
hmmmm..yeah...the Student's Take was just fine..Public Speaking was very enjoying.. :D then..yeha..we had a srimmage during the training.. :D

February 22, 2006-Club.
hmmmm..nothing only,...scrimmage again...last week...we were walking..this time...we were just staying on one side of the J Court.. :P

February 23, 2006-no training. was not present. so we planned just to do some shootings. but then. starr and I just decided to go home. because we were looking for the balls for a quite long time.

February 24, 2006-classes suspended.
hmmm..yeah..classes were suspended because of the coup attempt..i think.. :P haha..actually..i was in school already.. :P then...our bus went to McDo..then we went home..yeah...all that i did was just sleeping, texting, telebabad, eat, and watch t.v. i had no internet card.tsk. we alos planned to go to SMF...but mom didn't allow me...because of the coup thing.

February 25, 2006-one day vanity. :P
during the siblings and I went out to the court to play ball.yeah.we played ball.i misssed that. yeah..we went to Tandang Sora. again.. :P cousin Gian and my bro and I decided to do some vanity.. :P then..we asked our other cousin Igi to join us.. :P haha..the pix are here. then we played ball again.. :) and sent the pix to the PC.. :P

TODAY: hmmm..yeah...i woke up at aroung 6:30...and i don't know why..then.yeah...i finished my Science Homework...good thing.the Cherry Hills Subdivision Landslide got into my mind. yeah. GALS Cheering Competition today.. :) yehs..i'm going.. :) bahala na kung mahuli ng pulis sa ortigas :P haha..hmmmm..yeah...good luck to me..i still go to get my ticket from ate marga.. :) good luck to all!!.. :) go pep!.. :) go boosters.. :P go SHS!!..:)

***jollibee and starbucks endorser***

sana walang mahuli sa ortigas.. :P

you don't care at all..

Monday, February 20, 2006

nohari. johari. my post for today is in my multiply... :) new!!.. :P haha.. :) lol.

updates from my johari and nohari winodw.. :P

from my nohari.. :P


(known to self and others)


Blind Spot

(known only to others)

cowardly, simple, unimaginative, insensitive, cold


(known only to self)

stupid, ignorant, impatient, self-satisfied, foolish


(known to nobody)

incompetent, intolerant, inflexible, timid, violent, aloof, glum, insecure, irresponsible, vulgar, lethargic, withdrawn, hostile, selfish, unhappy, unhelpful, cynical, needy, inane, brash, cruel, irrational, distant, boastful, blasé, imperceptive, chaotic, weak, embarrassed, loud, vacuous, panicky, unethical, passive, smug, rash, dispassionate, overdramatic, dull, predictable, callous, inattentive, unreliable, humourless

Dominant Traits

100% of people think that lexiii is cowardly
100% of people think that lexiii is simple
100% of people think that lexiii is unimaginative
100% of people agree that lexiii is childish
100% of people think that lexiii is insensitive
100% of people think that lexiii is cold

All Percentages

incompetent (0%) intolerant (0%) inflexible (0%) timid (0%) cowardly (100%) violent (0%) aloof (0%) glum (0%) stupid (0%) simple (100%) insecure (0%) irresponsible (0%) vulgar (0%) lethargic (0%) withdrawn (0%) hostile (0%) selfish (0%) unhappy (0%) unhelpful (0%) cynical (0%) needy (0%) unimaginative (100%) inane (0%) brash (0%) cruel (0%) ignorant (0%) irrational (0%) distant (0%) childish (100%) boastful (0%) blasé (0%) imperceptive (0%) chaotic (0%) impatient (0%) weak (0%) embarrassed (0%) loud (0%) vacuous (0%) panicky (0%) unethical (0%) insensitive (100%) self-satisfied (0%) passive (0%) smug (0%) rash (0%) dispassionate (0%) overdramatic (0%) dull (0%) predictable (0%) callous (0%) inattentive (0%) unreliable (0%) cold (100%) foolish (0%) humourless (0%)

Created by the Nohari Window on 20.2.2006, using data from 1 respondents.
You can make your own Nohari Window, or view'>">view lexiii's full data.

from my johari.. :D


(known to self and others)

caring, cheerful, helpful, loving, silly

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

clever, complex, confident, dependable, energetic, friendly, giving, happy, idealistic, intelligent, introverted, kind, knowledgable, logical, mature, modest, observant, organised, patient, relaxed, sensible, sentimental, sympathetic, trustworthy, wise, witty


(known only to self)


(known to nobody)

able, accepting, adaptable, bold, brave, calm, dignified, extroverted, independent, ingenious, nervous, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, shy, spontaneous, tense, warm

Dominant Traits

60% of people think that lexiii is friendly
86% of people think that lexiii is intelligent

All Percentages

able (0%) accepting (0%) adaptable (0%) bold (0%) brave (0%) calm (0%) caring (13%) cheerful (40%) clever (20%) complex (6%) confident (6%) dependable (20%) dignified (0%) energetic (20%) extroverted (0%) friendly (60%) giving (6%) happy (6%) helpful (13%) idealistic (6%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (86%) introverted (6%) kind (33%) knowledgable (26%) logical (20%) loving (6%) mature (13%) modest (6%) nervous (0%) observant (6%) organised (20%) patient (6%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (6%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (13%) sentimental (6%) shy (0%) silly (6%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (6%) tense (0%) trustworthy (33%) warm (0%) wise (20%) witty (6%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 20.2.2006, using data from 15 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view'>">view lexiii's full data.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

i was too over reacting.. :P's been a long time since i posted my last entry...

*going back to those days....*

February 13, 2006-bad day.
hmmmm...yeah...nabadtrip ako...sunod-sunod kasi yung mga masasamang bagay na nangyari... :(

February 14,2006-Valentine's Day. :)'s okay.. ;) hehehe...:) hmmmm....i loved the chocolates.. :)

February 15, 2006-Club Day first..we were playing on our own...then i joined the club.. :P haha..we were walking.. :P

February 16, 2006-hmmpphhhf.
yeah...lor and i..1 month already as bestfriends....too bad....kainis nung training. :(;s kinda okei...10% only..

February 17, 2006-pep rally.
hmmmm...kinda good day...not really good..but it was just fine...we had the Pep Rally...the Pep Squad's really good.. :D tsk. nadulas ako sa J. Court.. :P

TODAY: hmmmm...yeah..we had the game with Faith for the 3rd in GALS....10 point lead.we lost....there was even a time that they were leading for only 2 points...or we were leading at fist actually....some shots....niluwa.. :0 anyway...hmmmm....yeah...what else?....Starr and I went to Convergy's...and had some one was really available to fetch me there...soo i commuted...imagine me in the jeepney...with a very short jersey shorts and slippers.. :P haha... :P anyway..hmmm....yeah,,,card day also..some of my grades went down...but first...i was too over-reacting.. :P i was really expecting that my grades would be lower from what really my grades are in reality... :P music..hmmmm....4 points lang yung nalalayo sa iba kong grades... :o

hindi mo na rin kailangan pang...matakot at mahiya....

Saturday, February 11, 2006

badtrip. :| kinda..

okei...hmmmm..many things happend thiese past few days...and right now...i'm here in my cousin's place...invading....and overusing their laptop..anyway...yeah..i just wanna show a pic that really sucks.. :P
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me with the curled hair...WOAH!oh no!!!..

*time machine*

February 9, 2006-good day??..or bad?.. that day...yeah...during the morning....i was feeling good...that day..i don't know why..but i was having a nice aura..i had a good training...but then..yeah,...during..the changed...but it's went okei again already at least... :)

February 10, 2006-badtrip day. :
yeah...nabadtrip ako..that morning...nainis ako..pati nung lunch...kasi naman eh...malai ko ba..tsaka...di naman kailangan ipamukha sakin yung kasalanan ko eh...alam kong kasalanan ko yun...good the near end part of lunch.....i became okei already....tnx to them.. :0 the way..we watched that documentary in AP...and Chia, Jea and I were called by Mrs. Abreu...and we talked. the was fine....the end part was really touching....sobra...we were given two peices of square part of illustration board..then....we were asked to write our names on the upper left side..then...we passed both..and write each others' positive qualities...then..we gave the other copy to coach..he tore al..he said..that would happen if we would not work as a team...then...he maskin taped it...the other copy...he said that he's the maskin tape....that's US...a team...and we were all....uhhh..ewan..inspiring lang kasi talaga eh.....

February 11, 2006-we lost.
yeah..soo....we had the game...yeah...we sould have was a travelling....but the coach counted the shot...that became the cause of the overtime...and we lost...i don't know.. :( we don't have a chancee for the championship already...i think..all the advantages were with us already....they only had 8 players..and their 18 was not there..but then...we still have a game...i know that we can do it.. :) anyway..yeah..i know that we can really do it.. :) hehe..:) the game was nobody's fault. maybe the ref's.. :P it was a travelling..but then..the ref didn't call.. :( they counted the shot..that's why the game reached into an overtime.. :( anyway..yeah..:) at lest we learned many things.. :)
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i love our team.. :) guys..thanks for those great training days...and games.. :) and some were also funny.. :) i love you guys.. :P coach....thank you for those learnings... :) even if i know that you wouldn't be able to read this.. :) i wanna see you at BEST this summer.. :P haha.. :)
...anyway..yeah..i'm having some probleems with my's just that..i feel that they really don't care about me...i just wanna thank lorraine and the goat.. :P you're really making me feel that i'm loved. :)

anyway...i gotta go.. :) byeee...:)

i exist.....

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


okz...yeah..wednesday today.. :)

February 5, 2006-Happy Birthday Tito Jake!!.. :)'s his birthday..and absolutely...there was a party..and some famous people were there...and i really don't wanna talk about it anymore...'coz i had some dyahe moments dude.. :P

February 6, 2006-Rejoice without the teachers.. :P
hmmm..last monday...4 teachers were not present and 5 periods of happiness was what we had experienced.. :P anyway..hmmm..what?..i don't know..unlimited didn't end yet.. :)

February 7, 2006-tuesday.
hmm...yeah..we saw our test in pub. speaking. and my grade was kinda good enough.. :) and we had our training also..we would be having our game on Saturday..with Assumption Antipolo...goodluck to Starr..:P coach..binunyag nya ung sikreto ni Starr...lagot!..:P joke.. anyway..hmmm...yeah...kinda good day... :0

TODAY: during the morning..yeah...P.E...we had a quiz...and discussion....the was okay.. :) jogged of course..then did one lay-up for each..and i got it.. :) then....a drill...actuallly...Starr and mine...was very scripted.. :p wahahaha..:) then..the rebounding thing..oh noo...i'm really not that used to!.. :) favorite?..:P nah..yehs..2 shots for each..i made the two.. :D nice.. :) was not in the mood to do some shooting.. :P haha..:) of course...Starr and I talked about some sorts of stuff.. :P wich we love doing..:P haha..:) hmmm...what else?..chia said that my grade for the third quarter in science is 88...hmmm...i'll just see..anyway..hmmm..what else?...i think i've been doing kinda great in the quizzes..i just hope that until the end..i would be consistent with it... :)

i gotta go..


Saturday, February 04, 2006

sick. bored. eccentric. :P

yeah....i'm sick and bored... : and it's very eccentric.. :P well..things are going kinda werid since last night.. :P haha.. :)

YESTERDAY: okie...yeah...Feb. 4 right?...soo..what happend?.. :P at around 11am...we arrived in SM North...and we met with my relatives there.. :P they played there game.. :P haha..just guess what's that.. :P cousin, my sis and i wasted our money in Netopia...because we didn't have something to do..then..we came back there..then bought some food in Jollibee..then ate them upstairs...then..we roamed around the Annex and bought chocolates...then..we decided to go already to Gloria IV...and i really didn't do anything there..and that night...i was having stomach ache..then..i did something bad.. :( tsk...i'm really bad...just a small that...then...i woke up at 12...because..i don't know...i was alos really worried..then...we went home already at around 1..then....i slept at 2...welll..things were really going bad this in madaling araw...pix..=>

TODAY: well..yeah..i woke up at around 8 i think?..ang sakit talaga ng katawan ko..tapos nilalamig pa 10am..i slept again..with 3 blankets.. :( i was really sick..then when i woke up..i was perspiring dad had a weird dream...kasi..may nagdorbell daw...tapos..pumunta daw siya sa terrace namin para tignan kung sino yung tao..tas ung mom ko daw...kinausap yung tao...tapos..ung mama daw...naka ang usapan sa ABS ngayon..all-white sila dahil nga dun sa nangyari sa Wowowee..,tapos...hinahanap dawa yung tito ko na may birthday ngayon...tas kakaretire lang rin soo..sabi daw ng mom ko..wala...soo umalis na daw yung dalawang mama...yung naka all-white daw..inaakay...tapos nung andun na saw sila sa parang malayo..naglaho daw..umano daw sa lupa..ibig sabihin..patay na.. :0 eh tapos..medjo kamukha daw nung teeth nung mama yung sa tito ko..sabi ng dad ko..baka daw kakilala daw nung tito ko..tapos..baka isa rin yun sa mga namatay dun sa kahapon..either humihingi ng tulong or makikiparty sa birthday ng tito ko mamaya.. :0 anyway...enough...i'm scaring myself....i'm alone here right now.. :( were all of these were really coincedence?....anyway..yeah..i already did my AP homework.. :P good for me..:) tummy's aching again.. :( i just hope that i would already be fine already.. :)

i love being eccentric.. :)

Friday, February 03, 2006

sucides?... :0

yehs....friday already...:) at last..:) i'm now able to do my own things... :P no game for tomorrow...:P

*time machine*

February 2, 2006-fair day.
hmmmm....thursday...right?....hmmm..many signs of 2 for chia...:P haha..and i was already able to pass my A.P Project.. :P haha...:) 101...:) wuhooo!!...:) we ran...:P ate paella was very hyper...:P and did some shooting...:P tere..issue...someone wrote somehting on the mirror.. :P big mystery.. :)

Today: February 3, 2006-Happy Birthday!!... :)
3...:P yeah..:) haha..anyway....hmmmm....yeah..happy birthday... :P last...last day of the week... :P yeah..Ms.Canivel said to me that my project still has a plus something.. :P effort...:P soo good... :) anyway..okei...yeah..during the morning...we had the First Friday Mass...soo it was shortend period...:P but before that...the freshmen were asked to stay in the gym...we were asked to leave the combs or brushes in our pockets and surrender the cellphones...and..of course..good for me...i didn't have my comb and i left my phone here in our house... :P and Math...double period.. :P quiz and discussion.. :P then..yeah..CL...we had this group sharing stuff about the Gospel...and we were asked...anu daw yung pinakmalala naming naging sakit...and i contemplated...i thought of LBM...:P haha...because i really didn't experience any serious disease... :) then...English...i think we were really supposed to go to the Museum thingy in the AVR... :P but then..yeah....she forgot.. :0 then..AP..yeah...our presentation thing.. :P anna: blocked.. :P then...lunch.. :) then..Pinoi..answerd something..then...the..we did the design thing.. :p then Pinoi again.. :P we checked.. :) did NOTHING. then we had the flag retreat...sibol: misplaced?.. :P then we went to the AVR..then...i went back to classroom..then went to the gym for the training,...:) suicides!!....big WOAH!! first i was already really tired..then..poof!..i was able to recover already!... :P going home...walking across batasan...muntik nakong madapa.shet.bute nalang hindi natuloy.dyahe un... :P okei..i gotta go now...



Wednesday, February 01, 2006

left out.

okei..i've been quite busy with my AP project..but at least...i'm almost done..:)

returning to those days.....

January 30, 2006-sure... :P monday..we had our classes in the morning...two subjects only dyde.. :P cl and the.. :P then...the freshmen and the sophomores watched the finals of the debate for the English week.. :) and it was also kinda amzing.. :P the afternoon...we had the talk...Bo Sanchez and Tim Staples had it....too bad the other person was not there...anyway..soo..yeah..their stories were kinda funny and a big..WOAH...

January 31, 2006-English Week
hmmmm..yeah...during the morning....Mrs. A gave us soem of the reminders for the Rehab Visit...Mrs.Abreu was absent..then we had the practice for the English practice actually...and instead of studying....i practiced with the choir.. :p haha..then...recess...Joy and i practiced the Crazy For You part...then ate....then we already went to the AVR....i played for the choir....Crazy For You... :P yeah...:) and the Quiz Bee...owww...forget about it...of course...i was easily eliminated....but i didn't care that much..i already knew it from the first place.... :P then...we had some really wasn't doign that well that time....the day before that..their was somethng wrong alreadywith the under part of my left foot and my pointign finger on my left hand...but's okay... :P then....yeah...i tried to finish my A.P. project...but then...grrr.....pinapatulog nako....tas sabi ko mamaya nalang..tapos bigla akong tinakot ni mama...tsk...kasi nga mei multo talaga dun sa part ng bahay namin na i slept... :o bakit ganun?kung kelan ako nagsisipag..dun ako pinapatigil..kung kelan ako nagccram..pinapagalitan naman aq.. :(

February 1, 2006- OP; Rehab Visit
okei....yeah...we had our Rehab's really hard...drugs doesn't choose anyone...idol ko si Kuya Hansary.. :P yeah....i felt out of place...
1) it's not my fault if i was weraing my reebok rubber shoes and my nike or chucks....
2) it's not my fault if i can't go home late because i'm a bus rider and not a private...
3) it's not my fault if i've been kinda quiet these days...
anyway..yeah...palalagpasin ko nalang nanaman... :( haha...senti mode when i was in the bus...i was lying down in the back seat...and staring at the sky..and on the radio was Kung Wala Ka... :)

i gotta go now...i'm finish already with my proj... :P

patience is a virtue.....