Saturday, February 11, 2006

badtrip. :| kinda..

okei...hmmmm..many things happend thiese past few days...and right now...i'm here in my cousin's place...invading....and overusing their laptop..anyway...yeah..i just wanna show a pic that really sucks.. :P
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me with the curled hair...WOAH!oh no!!!..

*time machine*

February 9, 2006-good day??..or bad?.. that day...yeah...during the morning....i was feeling good...that day..i don't know why..but i was having a nice aura..i had a good training...but then..yeah,...during..the changed...but it's went okei again already at least... :)

February 10, 2006-badtrip day. :
yeah...nabadtrip ako..that morning...nainis ako..pati nung lunch...kasi naman eh...malai ko ba..tsaka...di naman kailangan ipamukha sakin yung kasalanan ko eh...alam kong kasalanan ko yun...good the near end part of lunch.....i became okei already....tnx to them.. :0 the way..we watched that documentary in AP...and Chia, Jea and I were called by Mrs. Abreu...and we talked. the was fine....the end part was really touching....sobra...we were given two peices of square part of illustration board..then....we were asked to write our names on the upper left side..then...we passed both..and write each others' positive qualities...then..we gave the other copy to coach..he tore al..he said..that would happen if we would not work as a team...then...he maskin taped it...the other copy...he said that he's the maskin tape....that's US...a team...and we were all....uhhh..ewan..inspiring lang kasi talaga eh.....

February 11, 2006-we lost.
yeah..soo....we had the game...yeah...we sould have was a travelling....but the coach counted the shot...that became the cause of the overtime...and we lost...i don't know.. :( we don't have a chancee for the championship already...i think..all the advantages were with us already....they only had 8 players..and their 18 was not there..but then...we still have a game...i know that we can do it.. :) anyway..yeah..i know that we can really do it.. :) hehe..:) the game was nobody's fault. maybe the ref's.. :P it was a travelling..but then..the ref didn't call.. :( they counted the shot..that's why the game reached into an overtime.. :( anyway..yeah..:) at lest we learned many things.. :)
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i love our team.. :) guys..thanks for those great training days...and games.. :) and some were also funny.. :) i love you guys.. :P coach....thank you for those learnings... :) even if i know that you wouldn't be able to read this.. :) i wanna see you at BEST this summer.. :P haha.. :)
...anyway..yeah..i'm having some probleems with my's just that..i feel that they really don't care about me...i just wanna thank lorraine and the goat.. :P you're really making me feel that i'm loved. :)

anyway...i gotta go.. :) byeee...:)

i exist.....

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