Friday, December 30, 2005

~New Year's Resoluitons~'s almost new year already!!..wuhoooooo!! year's resolutions..haha.. :P

1. I'll be more behave.. :P
2. I'll be more serious with my studies...
3. Hindi nako masyadong mang-aasar
4. I'll be more patient
5. I'll pray more often
6. I'll surf the net no too long
7. I'll be thrifty.. :P
8. Makikisama nako sa iba
9;. I'll lessen the times that I lie.. ;(
10. I'll do my responsibilities na
11. I'll be more serious with handeling things
12. I'll be more mature with dealing with some things(maski ayokong tumanda)
13. I'll lessen my saying of bad words
14. I'll try to be a better person for next year.. :P


will be back someday..:P

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