Tuesday, September 06, 2005

nEw layOut!!..: )

owkie....hehe..just had this new layout..the bear is cute...: )...haha..is it really a bear?...anyway.....haha.. : )
errrr...still have this boring life... >:(
anyway...what can make me happy anyway?....o___O...comments in pink..
1. a fender electric guitar would do...::i'm still saving money for it...::
2. a copy of the repackage of the album....PALABAS...:: i can't buy it....i'm
saving money for something
3. a copy of the album of Cueshé...:: like the one above..::
4. a copy of the Mayonnaise album... :: i don't like mayonnaise that much...::
5. high grades in the card this coming saturday.... :: i would be really happy if
that happens..but it would be a miracle ::
6. FOOD!!!..haha.. : ) :: it's really attainable!!! ::
ok....right now...i'm doing the usual things taht i do....haha...: )
the letters for the getting out of cards was given already....the students are the ones who'll get thier cards....and i'm assigned on saturday....7:00-7:30....that's too early....i think..hehe....anyway..i would be with tere..we have the same time.....and NicC is next..haha..: )
i already prepared my things for tomorrow....it's swimming and club....yey!!..haha...: )
brb again..: )

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