Monday, September 05, 2005

vEry wEirD daY.....

hmmmmmm..this day has been very weird....not actually's just like...that it's not one of those ordinary are the reasons....haha...: )
1. i left my key for my locker....i haven't bought yet a lock with the code...
2. many people were out.....the officers were at the LTS..irenne went home early because of hyperacidity...patch was in the chorale..and one classmate was absent..and i don't know who..haha...: )
3. we were dismissed at 2:30 pm..because of the rally.....
4. i waited 1 hour for our bus...and all that i did was laugh, talk, walk with jesi and kick the stone....haha...: )
5. we used our period in pinoi for the feast day practice....
6. in our bus....i heard green day songs in the morning and afternoon....which is quite i don't know..haha..: )
5. ian and nat2 were out of sight....owww...a new name again...: )...haha..: )
7. it's not friday...but we went to mcdo...
errr..why are people so quite pessimists?.....well....change topic....
anyway....i just hope my busmate would be coming to our house....pls.....: )
brb...: )

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